Monday, November 5, 2007

Reporters Without Borders in Second Life

second life pictures - reporters without borders
By Fresh Catteneo

This beautiful two-story cottage in the pastoral green countryside of Hangflame district (23/84/92 ) is the new SL home of the human rights organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF - Pour la liberte de la presse). Their mission is to aid journalists worldwide and protect the freedom of press especially in areas where government censorship is extreme and free reporting can result in imprisonment or even death of journalists.

second life pictures - reporters without borders
This is a look from the inside. The walls are covered with maps and pictures, all themed around the freedom of press. This picture in particular caught my attention:

second life pictures - reporters without bordersThere was a map of the world showing the situation of press freedom in different countries around the world. The different colors represent different degrees of press freedom. White - Good situation, Grey - satisfactory situation, Blue - noticeable problems, Red - difficult situation, Black - very serious situation.

second life pictures - reporters without bordersI was interested to see which are the countries marked in black. China was the most obvious one, because it was the biggest black spot on the map. Also in black are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Cuba, Burma, Libya, Laos, Belarus, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Eritrea, Tunisia and North Korea.
When I came back to the sim to collect more information I spotted two black spots hovering above the cottage. Upon closer inspection they turned out to be rockets. I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to wipe me out while I was doing this report.

second life pictures - reporters without borders
I do not know who fired them but I did discover that they were originally manufactured by SL builder Jack Orlowski. And he states:

Being awake and being conscious are intrinsically different in their psychological manifestations. They are not polar opposites. Rather, they are 2 distinctly different levels of being. The being awake simply denotes that one is aroused from his/her sleep (or inactive, complacent, and isolated state). But, if one is not conscious, that is fully and acutely aware of his/her being as well as the rest of his/her world...then he/she might as well be in a coma. So, Tell Me...Are You Comatose?
I also build ships for rl. I specialize in custom fabrication for RL and SL. Im a gear head all the way through and enjoy making the illest most RL models possible. Come check out OpFor in Jessie

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